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Liz Kucharska

Sr.product designer
+ design coach


Audacy never had a design system. It was one of those things that would really benefit the company, especially with all the different platforms and devices that Audacy operates on. Device parity was an issue due to small inconsistencies between items, mismatched assets, and lack of resources for other designers.

I have proposed switching our team to Figma (we used to use Sketch) - and Figma made the process so much more bearable that it was a great time to develop a design system. While learning the ins-and-outs of Figma, it was a great opportunity to dive as deep as possible to create a solid system that worked using Figma's newest and most powerful features.

In addition to creating a design system, constant maintenance and designer buy-in was crucial. A design system is not something that's made once and forgotten, it requires frequent upkeep and adjustments in order to be flexible enough for multiple projects, while maintaining consistency.

Here is the journey:

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